
For screenplay requests please email Jacob’s literary agent:

[email protected]


Watch the new pitch video and discover some of the facts surrounding ‘Pyjama Man’ . . .


Watch the recent BBC ONE Spotlight segment and performance – aired 16th Jan 2024.

The Plot

Singing-sensation, Andrew Thomas, is hiding. Hiding from reality and hiding from himself. . .

The Characters

Learn about the diverse characters in ‘Pyjama Man’ that will stay with you long after the film.

The Soundtrack

Listen to the 3 original songs in ‘Pyjama Man’. Each song is carefully interwoven into the story.

Why Pyjama Man works

A brief summary of why ‘Pyjama Man’ is essential and timely in today’s current climate . . .

Why Jacob Foan?

‘Pyjama Man’ is written by actor/musician, Jacob Foan. Returning back to the UK in 2023 . . .